Welcome to Denzealot Data, where you can view in chart and graph form the data from one of the greatest podcasts of all time, Denzel Washington Is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period, with Kevin Avery and W. Kamau Bell.

I’m a big fan of the podcast, and I’m an even bigger fan of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, author of Storytelling With Data (the blog and the book). So the next logical step for me was to start working with all of the data from DWITGAOATP to get it an easy-to-view format.

But here’s the thing. The podcast started in November 2014, and Episode 79 was just released yesterday, June 1, 2016.

As of this writing, I’m on Episode 8. I did jump ahead and listen to Episode 17 (Glory is my favorite Denzel film), but I am still way behind. So my data is still in rough format.